World of Warcraft

There is some World of Warcraft hack.

WowEmuHacker WoW 3.3.5a (12340)

Added 28.07.2010                                         Download                 

WoW model edit fix 2.4.3

Added 09.04.2008         Download      

EverMorph - 4.3
- completely removed the UI

- all functions are now performed through in-commands.

Current features:

*morph yourself
*morph your mount
*morph any of your items

The former features like object moving and morphing, spell swapping, map swapping and target morphing will all be added when I get time. they are not included in this build.

How to use:

To morph yourself, here is an example (with race codes to follow):


/evermorph me 23018To set your mount to a specified creature id (this will be the mount that is always displayed until you change it)

/evermorph mount 38028To morph a piece of gear (with equip codes to follow):

/evermorph item 0 1234where 0 is the equip code, 1234 is the item ID.

Item id's


head                   0
shoulder              2
cloak                 14
chest                  4
bracers               8
gloves                 9
belt                     5
legs                     6
feet                     7
main hand          15
off hand/shield    16



Night elf male 20318
night elf female 37919
human male 19723
human female 19724
gnome male 20580
gnome female 20320
worgen male 37915
worgen female 37914
dwarf male 20317
dwarf female 37918
orc male 21267
orc female 20316
blood elf male (homosex) 20578
blood elf female 20579
goblin male 20582
goblin female 20583
tauren male 20585
tauren female 37922
undead male 37923
undead female 37924
draenei male 37916
draenei female 20323


  • D3D Menu!
  • Flyhack
  • WallClimb
  • WaterWalk
  • NoClip
  • TrackObject
  • TrackUnit

World of Warcraft Bots

Bl1zz4rDs Autokick - Never miss to interrupt a Cast | 4.2
Added 01.02.2011                                      Download                          

Tutorial Video

Bl1zz4rDs BLoot 4.2.2
Added 01.04.2011                                     Download

Tutorial Video

Bl1zz4rDs FishY Bot | 4.3
Added 01.05.2011                                       Download                         
Tutorial video

Bl1zz4rDs Gatherbot
Added 12.05.2011                                       Download                             


/run MailFrameTab_OnClick(0,2)local c,l,r,_=0 for b=0,4 do for s=1,32 do if c>11 then break end local l=GetContainerItemLink(b,s)if l then _,_,r=GetItemInfo(l)if r<=2 then UseContainerItem(b,s)c=c+1 end end end end if c>0 then SendMail("CharName"," ")end

How earn gold quicly

This contains yielded about 700-1200g per 15 mins assuming you don’t have any competition.For that guide you must have the following (asterisks = optional but helps):
* Fishing (level 1 will suffice)
* Herbalism (I will be lazy and say 525, but I believe 500 would work aswell)
* Mining (Also higher-level..)
* Guild Hearth cool-down reducing perk (to 15 mins)
* Epic flying mount/Master flying
* Find fish ability (Easily farmed in wetlands in Twenty minutes, assuming you can find the schooner nodes. Just wowhead “Watertight Trunk” and stick to the spawn locations, as 8% of them will be schooner wreckage nodes)
What you are farming (Green = most typical, Yellow = less frequent):
1. Volatile fires (20g each) In the “Pools of fire” (this is exactly what you need fishing for)
2. Elementium Ore (5g each)
3. Pyrite Ore (10-20g each)
4. Twilight Jasmine (10g each)
5. Cinderbloom (4-6g each)
6. Volatile Life (7-10g each) (Are from the herbs, but you ought to know this…)
* Fishing in a Pool of Fire with only enable you to get Volatile Fire, no junk. So it is very effective and only requires level 1 fishing.
* Pool of Fire spawn timer = 15 mins
* Pools of Fire always spawn within the exact same location.
* This route is roughly 1000% more profitable if done during 1-8am on the weekday. (which is the only time I actually do it)
* If you are under 85, you might encounter opposing factions’ 85′s
* On a 15 minute cooldown (hearthstone, using the guild perk bonus) you ought to be active 90% of times gathering nodes. Once i hit Hyjal I usually have to wait ~1-2 minutes on the hearth cool-down.
farming quick gold route
* Begin with Twilight Highlands first, as there is a portal will port to Org..
* Follow the yellow and ensure that you’re about the right side of the river, you should see nodes 2, 3, 4, and 5. Once you get to the lava there must be 4 “Pool of Fire” nodes (again, assuming no one else is farming them) you should get anywhere from 3-12 Volatile Fire per “Pool of Fire” node.
* Once completed with the pools of fire, stick to the other trail back to Dragonmaw Port (on this trail you should encounter nodes 2, 3, 4, and 5)
* Port to Org and take the port to Hyjal, then follow this route….
quick gold route
(I usually have hit the 15 min respawn timer by this point and so i fly straight to the “Pool of Fire” spawn points, avoiding any other nodes in route.)
* Fly to the spawn points and farm those nodes (again, Pool of Fire)
* Hearth to Org and take the portal to Twilight Highlands, repeat the steps above.
When selling volatile fires, put on the AH in stacks of 10-20 (I actually do 20) for 2-3g per OVER the lowest price! You will make maximum profit this way. (I.E. if the lowest about the AH is 20g per, list 20 for 22-23g per = 230g. People DO buy them, I suppose 2-3g is the price they will pay to avoid hitting “Buy Out” 20 times.
Method 2
Tired of being clueless like a ” new world ” Of Warcraft Player? Would like to learn the fundamentals of making fast gold? Its easy when you are aware how!
There is no reason to beg for gold.
There is no reason to buy it.It can be made regardless of your level, easily and quickly. If you follow these principles you will make money fast and not be without it!
Level’s 1-20
1. First-aid skill -Please don’t tell me you dislike this skill. At higher levels you are able to heal just like a priest and achieving this skill can and will save your valuable character again and again.
Now make bandages – and simply sell them back to any merchant (called vending)
You can learn first aid at any major city – speak with a guard for details. As you raise in levels you’ll have another healing source that work well and can save you a fortune on healing potions.
Since cloth drops abound and easy to obtain, leveling can be achieved quickly.
Bandages progress such as this:
heavy linen
heavy wool
heavy silk
heavy mageweave
heavy runecloth
heavy netherweave
heavy frostweave
When you are journeyman level you are able to visit Stromguard in Arathi . Go into the ruined city go to the right – and pass thru the gates. Look for a man waiting in the courtyard he sells several books that will help you level that you’ll want. These books few individuals know about so you can also sell them available on the market by utilizing channel 2 or even the AH. I’ve come across the three books available for up to 10g. Easy money!
Final tests are given through the doctor at Theramore isle to create the greatest levels in first aid.
Your test is to heal wounded warriors and may be passed should you stand in a single spot, make use of the trauma bandages about the worst wounded first and rotate in a circle healing as much as you can! (Thanks Venuss for figuring out how you can pass that certain)
As you progress in bandage causing you to can sell the bandages you make for more and more money – at the highest levels 20 rolled bandages go for almost 5g just vending them back to merchants!
Its easy money.
Money Maker #2
Be a Harvester – ok seems simple, right?
Ask any rich character that they make regular gold they’ll let you know they offer things in the auction house. The really savvy player learns fast that harvesting skills work best.
Why? Well not everybody needs things you can make, but almost everyone needs the raw materials or “matz” as they are known as, to create the things they need.
Consider it.
Who would be able to make gold faster? Someone who sells healing potions? Or somebody that sells the herbs you can use to create healing potions and 10 different things?
It’s simple demand and supply at work here. Selling recycleables you can use for many other things, sell better quicker and have less competition.
Low-level herbs, linen, wool, silk, raw minerals constantly sell in stacks of 20 for 1-2g and can be achieved over and over without saturating the marketplace.
So if you go for professions it’s helpful to have a minimum of 1 gathering or harvesting profession that actually works along with it.While you learn the game you will notice precisely what it takes by other players and what sells really well and can even have 2 harvesting professions!
Visit Google and download the latest version of auctioner – a mod you are able to place in your interface file and have a tool to scan the marketplace for selling trends.
Another useful mod is harvester – a program that marks harvested items on your mini-map so you can go back to these spots later and reharvest again. This can accelerate your moneymaking – mods are permitted by WoW.
Sure you aren’t making “items” with harvesting skills (mining, skinning, herbalism) but you will make a fortune selling these things harvested in the auction house.
How Easy It’s
Simply lookup the raw materials you need to sell. If there are numerous exactly the same item selling, save it for later when there aren’t as numerous. Try to learn to focus on several different raw materials so you will invariably have lots to market, save and rotate about the AH.
You can now sell your raw materials an inexpensive price for fast sell. Fast money for payday, then sell other items that aren’t on the market for much more gold!
Help guide to Make Gold Fishing
Fishing ? What does that you simply say?
Amazingly enough, Fishing can make you quite wealthy!In the beginning your only thing to target on is to get your abilities up.
Buy a rod from a local fisher merchant and begin in noob land.
Use bobbers or bright baubles sold by fishing merchants. You attach them to your rod and they’ll improve your skills.
There are item buffs as well, and clothing that will assist here.
In the beginning you will not get almost no fish. It is frustrating. Keep trying.
After you have reached about 75 you are able to go to Westfall and fish across the coastline. You will see rings in the water.
This is where the fun begins!
They have fish in them that may be sold at the Ah. Fish have many uses in WoW and most are rare components so sell them in stacks of 5-10 10-15 to 20 for 1-10g or just below the cheapest posted cost.
Medium level fisherfolks, try Southshore! Plenty of good fishing but look out for murlocks and naga.
Now Get Better Gear . . .You can upgrade to an Iron Fishing rod either by purchasing one from the AH (about 10-15g) or questing for one.
This will improve your drops and lift up your skill and it is necessary for you past 150 if you would like better drops.
Also enchanters can also add for your fishing skill by chanting a special pair of “fishing gloves” – discuss with or visit AH they are cheap!
What happens if you see a ring in the water with Boxes bobbing up and down.
This is cargo. You are able to fish this too. As your fishing skill increases and you’ll be able to fish in your levels so the cargo drops.
Higher levels will find even more valuable cargo and fish in Tanaris, Booty Bay and Feralas. Good coastal action is here now through the pirates and shorelines too.
Also to raise your level to Master (225 ) you will need to visit Nat Pagle Master fisherman in Theramore located south of the main island on a smaller island.
You need to swim to get at him but it’s worth the trip. He will request you to definitely fish several exotic use round the realm and return to prove your mastery. You will then go bodies of water round the relm and catch a special fish from each place. It takes several tries however the fish always bite no matter where you catch them in the specified location.
(Whenever you max out this skill you still can raise it even higher in Outland.) Shatt city includes a boy on the bottom level – do the quest for him and get an even better pole that helps tougher waters to fish in.
In which the Money Is really
Try to concentrate on cargo drops. You will make plenty of silver and gold! The cargo will contain anything from cloth (silk, mageweave, runecloth), bolts of cloth, leather (from light to rugged), silver, green items and even the odd blue item.
Significantly improved you know how profitable fishing can be, get yourself a pole and begin throwing a line!
Making Gold “Flipping” Things
Did you know that lots of players make money “flipping” items they buy cheap in the AH and sell at fair market price? It is among the easiest ways to earn gold. Simply locate items that are often rare (like certain herbs or matz) so when there is a glut or excess buy them cheap and save them until there are none or few on the market and sell them at twice or even more the value you purchased them at!
This technique is straightforward and anyone can get it done. It takes a little practice so start with lower cost items and look for real bargains. Buy cheap and sell expensive when demand is high is another formula for wealth in RL too!
By the way ig you’re in Thrall – look up Ancient Realms – an excellent guild and join us for daily heroics, raids and lots of fun!

2 kommenttia:

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